MacWorld 1999 July
Macworld (1999-07).dmg
Shareware World
For Developers
Mops 3.4.sea
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PPC source
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(* =========================================================
PEF file generation
This file handles the writing out of a PEF object file for our compiled
PPC code.
It has more features than cg4, since that only had one job to do - to
write out the initial PPC target image.
forward write_to_container
0 value CHOP_HERE
0 value CODE_OFFS
0 value DATA_OFFS
\ spare_code_size and spare_data_size are in setup
0 value LDR_SIZE
0 value LDR_OFFS
false value shared_lib? \ set true if we're generating a shared
\ library
80 constant INFO_BLOCK_SIZE \ a block of useful info we put at the
\ start of the code section so our PPC
\ code can pick it up easily.
4 constant hash_table_power \ #elements in exports hash table is
\ 2**hash_table_power. Each element is 4 bytes.
4 hash_table_power <<
constant hash_table_size
\ We define this as a constant since we need it at
\ compile time. In init_import_sym_tbl below, called
\ at write_PEF time, we check that the real number of
\ imported symbols agrees, and bail out if it doesn't.
\ That avoids nasty crashes.
0 value hash_info_len \ hash table + key table + symbol table
#imported_symbols 4*
\ our entry point descriptor comes straight after
\ the imported symbols, which are 4 bytes each
bytestring ldr_import_sym_tbl
bytestring relocs
bytestring export_relocs
bytestring loader_strings
bytestring $cfrg
bytestring $threads
16 bytestring_array export_key_table
16 bytestring_array exported_symbol_table
\ ============= resource stuff ===============
\ (mainly lifted from InstlMod.txt)
syscall ResError
syscall ChangedResource
syscall AddResource
syscall RemoveResource
syscall CurResFile
syscall UseResFile
: resChk
ResError ?dup
IF db 3 beep 3 beep cr
dup -48 =
IF ." You can't save using the same name as the running" cr
." application. Please try again with a different name." cr
." Res error# " . cr
\ Class RES+ adds methods to Resource to allow various modifications
\ to resources. We'll put more in as we need them.
:class RES+ super{ resource }
objPtr TEMPRES class_is res+
:m CHANGED: get: self ChangedResource ;m
:m ADDRES: { s255 -- }
get: self
get: resType get: ID
s255 AddResource resChk ;m
res+ srcres
res+ dstres
: copyres \ ( type resID -- ) Copies the resource by copying
\ the handle's data in memory. Use this one for resources
\ currently in use.
2dup set: srcRes set: dstRes
getnew: srcRes resChk srcRes ->: dstRes
nullOSstr addRes: dstRes resChk ;
\ ===============================================================
\ Before writing the PEF, if we're installing, we have to make sure
\ all needed modules are loaded.
: (LDMOD) { theCfa dummy \ modObj -- }
theCfa mod? NIF drop EXIT THEN
>obj -> modObj
install?: [ modObj ] IF load: [ modObj ] THEN
: LOAD_MODS \ Loads the modules
false -> instld? \ so the modules will load!!
['] (ldmod) 0 trav
true -> instld? \ restore
\ ===============================================================
:class SECTION_HEADER super{ object }
{ var nameOffset
var defaultAddress
var totalSize
var unpackedSize
var packedSize
var containerOffset
ubyte sectionKind
ubyte alignment
ubyte shareKind
ubyte reservedA
-1 put: nameOffset ;m \ means no name
:m >SIZES: ( totalSize initializedSize -- )
dup put: packedSize put: unpackedSize \ we don't use PIdata, so
\ these 2 are the same
put: totalSize
\ get: sectionKind 4 = \ loader section?
\ IF clear: execSize
\ clear: initSize
:m >KIND: { kind -- }
kind put: sectionKind
kind 1 = kind 2 = or
IF \ data or PIdata
1 \ contextShare
ELSE 4 \ globalShare
put: shareKind
4 put: alignment
:m >OFFSET: put: containerOffset ;m
:m INIT: \ ( offset totalSize initializedSize -- )
>sizes: self put: containerOffset ;m
\ ================== loader section stuff ===================
:class LOADER_HEADER_CLASS super{ object }
{ var mainSection \ sect containing main (initial ent pt) desc
\ (we use 1)
var mainOffset \ offs in sect where desc is
var initSection \ ditto for init point desc
var initOffset
var termSection \ ditto for term point desc
var termOffset
var importedLibraryCount
var totalImportedSymbolCount
var relocSectionCount \ number of relocation headers
var relocInstrOffset
var loaderStringsOffset
var exportHashOffset
var exportHashTablePower
var exportedSymbolCount
:m INIT: { relocTblOffs stringsOffs hashSlotTblOffs entrySect -- }
relocTblOffs put: relocInstrOffset
stringsOffs put: loaderStringsOffset
hashSlotTblOffs put: exportHashOffset
entrySect put: mainSection
#imported_symbols put: totalImportedSymbolCount
#exported_symbols put: exportedSymbolCount
entry_point_toc_offset put: mainOffset
IF 1 put: initSection
entry_point_toc_offset put: initOffset
1 put: mainSection \ change to -1 for shared libs - no main routine
-1 put: initSection \ need to use an initialization routine
\ for shared libs, so we'll change to 1 here
-1 put: termSection \ and maybe a term routine too
1 put: importedLibraryCount \ should only be 1 ("InterfaceLib") for Mops PEFs
1 put: relocSectionCount \ Only 1 loader relocation header
hash_table_power put: exportHashTablePower
: hash_for_PEF { addr len \ hashValue hash_word hash_index c -- hash_word hash_index }
0 -> hashValue
len 0 ?DO
addr i + c@ -> c
hashValue 1 <<
hashValue 16 >> -
c xor -> hashValue
len 16 <<
hashValue dup 16 >> xor $ ffff and or
-> hash_word
hash_word hash_table_power >> xor
1 hash_table_power << 1- and -> hash_index
hash_word hash_index
:class EXPORT_HASH_TABLE_CLASS super{ object }
hash_table_size bytes theTable
:m write:
addr: theTable hash_table_size write_to_container
16 0 DO
i select: export_key_table
all: export_key_table write_to_container
16 0 DO
i select: exported_symbol_table
all: exported_symbol_table write_to_container
:m setup: { \ index chn_cnt -- }
\ called when there are no more export symbols to be added,
\ but before we write anything out. Sets up theTable
\ according to what we've accumulated in the bytestring_arrays.
hash_table_size -> hash_info_len
0 -> index
16 0 DO
i select: export_key_table
reset: export_key_table
len: export_key_table dup ++> hash_info_len
IF 4/ -> chn_cnt \ chain count for this hash slot
chn_cnt 18 << index or
addr: theTable i 4* + !
chn_cnt ++> index
16 0 DO
i select: exported_symbol_table
reset: exported_symbol_table
len: exported_symbol_table ++> hash_info_len
:m add_symbol: { addr len val \ hash_word hash_index -- }
\ first we do the hash and select the right element in the
\ bytestring_arrays:
addr len hash_for_PEF -> hash_index -> hash_word
hash_index select: exported_symbol_table
hash_index select: export_key_table
hash_word +L: export_key_table
pos: loader_strings
$ 02000000 or \ means it's a standard procedure pointer
\ i.e. points to a transfer vector
+L: exported_symbol_table
addr len add: loader_strings \ and we don't need a 0 at the end
val +L: exported_symbol_table
1 +W: exported_symbol_table \ it's in section 1 (data - it's a transfer vect)
:m clear:
addr: theTable hash_table_size erase ;m
\ ===========================================================
:class IMP_FILES_SUBSEC_CLASS super{ object }
{ var fileName
var oldDefVersion
var currentVersion
var numImports
var impFirst
ubyte initBefore
ubyte reservedB
uint reservedH
:m >numImports: put: numImports ;m
:class PEF_HEADER_CLASS super{ object }
{ var joy
var fileTypeID
var architectureID
var versionNumber
var dateTimeStamp
var definVersion
var implVersion
var currentVersion
uint numberSections
uint loadableSections
var memoryAddress
'type Joy! put: joy
'type peff put: fileTypeID
'type pwpc put: architectureID
1 put: versionNumber
3 put: numberSections
2 put: loadableSections
\ $ 20C @ \ ### fix after I can handle fetch from a
\ literal address!
0 put: dateTimeStamp ;m
:class cfrg_ClASS super{ object }
{ var res0
var res1
var cfrgVersion
var res2
var res3
var res4
var res5
var #fragDescs
\ now the (only) fragment description:
var CodeType
var UpdateLevel
var CurrentVersion
var OldestDevVersion
var AppStackSize
uint AppLibDirectory
ubyte TypeOfFragment
ubyte LocationOfFragment
var OffsetToFragment
var LengthOfFragment
var res6
var res7
1 put: cfrgVersion
1 put: #fragDescs
'type pwpc put: codeType
1 put: TypeOfFragment
1 put: LocationOfFragment
\ everything else except LenOfInfoRec stays zero.
cfrg_class my_cfrg
PEF_header_class PEF_header
section_header CODE_SECT_HDR
section_header DATA_SECT_HDR
section_header LOADER_SECT_HDR
loader_header_class LOADER_HEADER
export_hash_table_class EXPORT_HASH_TABLE
\ we only have one import file - for more, we'd need to have more
\ than one imp_files_subsec_class object. But note, there's only
\ one import symbol table per PEF.
imp_files_subsec_class IMPORT_FILES_SUBSECTION
variable PAD_BYTES 16 reserve
: ALIGN_IN_CONTAINER { alignment# \ pad# -- }
alignment# container_offs alignment# 1- and -
alignment# 1- and -> pad#
pad# 0EXIT
pad_bytes pad# write: ffcb OK?
pad# ++> container_offs
:f WRITE_TO_CONTAINER { addr len -- }
addr len write: ffcb OK?
len ++> container_offs
: WRITE_OBJ { ^obj \ len -- }
length: [ ^obj ] -> len
^obj len write_to_container
: ADD_EXPORT_SYMBOL { addr len val \ -- }
addr len val add_symbol: export_hash_table
1 ++> #exported_symbols
: (exp) { theCfa dummy \ addr -- }
theCfa 2- -> addr
addr w@ $ BE05 <> ?EXIT
-4 ++> addr
addr w@ $ BF0C =
addr 4+ count \ addr & len of case-sensitive name
DP data_start - \ offset of transfer vector in data section
theCfa dup
c@ $ 10 and \ fp flags?
IF 6 + ELSE 2+ THEN \ get addr of first instruction of defn
code_start - , 0 ,
\ initial TV has offsets to code to be executed, and data
\ section (latter offset is zero of course).
8 ++> main_data_size
$ 4600 +W: export_relocs \ RelocTVector8 1 - this will update
\ the TV for this entry.
: get_exported_symbols
0 -> #exported_symbols
shared_lib? 0EXIT \ if not a shared lib, don't worry about
\ exported symbols
\ before we pick up the exported symbols, we need to add a reloc op
\ to set relocAddress to where we are in the data section. This is
\ the RelocSetPosition op.
DP data_start - \ data section offset
dup 16 >> $ A000 or +W: export_relocs +W: export_relocs
['] (exp) 0 trav
0 value IMP_SYM_CNT
: ADD_IMPORT_SYMBOL \ ( addr len -- ) symbol name is passed in.
pos: loader_strings
$ 02000000 or \ means it's a standard procedure pointer
\ i.e. points to a transfer vector
+L: ldr_import_sym_tbl
add: loader_strings 0 +: loader_strings
1 ++> imp_sym_cnt ;
\ Note the symbols we list here are CASE-SENSITIVE!! The PEF will fail at startup
\ time if something doesn't resolve, and case matters!
0 -> imp_sym_cnt
" InterfaceLib" add: loader_strings 0 +: loader_strings
" GetSharedLibrary" add_import_symbol
" FindSymbol" add_import_symbol
" Debugger" add_import_symbol
" NewHandleClear" add_import_symbol
" NewPtrClear" add_import_symbol
" MoveHHi" add_import_symbol
" HLock" add_import_symbol
" MakeDataExecutable" add_import_symbol
" BlockMove" add_import_symbol
" ExitToShell" add_import_symbol
" InitGraf" add_import_symbol
" InitFonts" add_import_symbol
" InitWindows" add_import_symbol
" TEInit" add_import_symbol
" InitMenus" add_import_symbol
" InitCursor" add_import_symbol
" AEInstallEventHandler" add_import_symbol
" GetNewWindow" add_import_symbol
" SetPort" add_import_symbol
" NewRgn" add_import_symbol
" TextMode" add_import_symbol
" SysBeep" add_import_symbol
" MaxApplZone" add_import_symbol
\ add any more we need here.
imp_sym_cnt #imported_symbols <> abort" wrong number of imported symbols"
#imported_symbols >numImports: import_files_subsection
(* ***** testing:
" jo" 20 add_export_symbol
" aardvark" 48 add_export_symbol
" bloggs" 10 add_export_symbol
" q" 99 add_export_symbol
" smith" 30 add_export_symbol
" sam" 80 add_export_symbol
" joe" 90 add_export_symbol
" somebodyOrOther" 40 add_export_symbol
" whatever" 50 add_export_symbol
" youveGotToBeKidding" 60 add_export_symbol
**** *)
: TOC_SIZE \ ( -- n ) 4 bytes for each imported symbol, plus 8 for
\ our entry point function descriptor, plus
\ 32 for saved regs
entry_point_toc_offset 40 +
\ Here we define some words so we can easily make a call to one of these
\ symbols. We do it here so we can be sure that the TOC offsets are
\ right - these are determined by the above order.
forward (TOC_CALL)
0 value curr_TOC_offset
curr_TOC_offset postpone literal postpone (TOC_call)
4 ++> curr_TOC_offset ; immediate
: %_GetSharedLibrary
6 1 TOC_call ; immediate
: %_FindSymbol
4 1 TOC_call ; immediate
\ we don't define a %_Debugger - we don't want regs monkeyed with when we
\ call it, so we just hand-wind the calling sequence (at DBGR in cg6).
\ We do, however need the next TOC offset (8) for the symbol "Debugger".
12 -> curr_TOC_offset \ skip offset 8 (Debugger)
: %_NewHandleClear
1 1 TOC_call ; immediate
: %_NewPtrClear
1 1 TOC_call ; immediate
: %_MoveHHi
1 0 TOC_call ; immediate
: %_HLock
1 0 TOC_call ; immediate
: %_MakeDataExecutable
2 0 TOC_call ; immediate
: %_BlockMove
3 0 TOC_call ; immediate
: %_ExitToShell
0 0 TOC_call ; immediate
: %_InitGraf
1 0 TOC_call ; immediate
: %_InitFonts
0 0 TOC_call ; immediate
: %_InitWindows
0 0 TOC_call ; immediate
: %_TeInit
0 0 TOC_call ; immediate
: %_InitMenus
0 0 TOC_call ; immediate
: %_InitCursor
0 0 TOC_call ; immediate
: %_AEInstallEventHandler
5 1 TOC_call ; immediate
: %_GetNewWindow
3 1 TOC_call ; immediate
: %_SetPort
1 0 TOC_call ; immediate
: %_NewRgn
0 1 TOC_call ; immediate
: %_TextMode
1 0 TOC_call ; immediate
: %_SysBeep
1 0 TOC_call ; immediate
: %_MaxApplZone
0 0 TOC_call ; immediate
(* INIT_RELOCS adds all the relocation ops to the loader section. Here's where
we tell the PEF loader how resolve our imported symbols, etc.
reset: export_relocs
$ 00010000 +L: relocs \ these are sect 1 relocs
len: export_relocs 2/ 2+
+L: relocs \ there are 2 of them, plus however many
\ export relocs there are
0 +L: relocs \ relocs offs = 0
$ 4A00 #imported_symbols 1- or
+W: relocs \ RelocImportRun n - TOC entries for our n
\ imported symbols
$ 4600 +W: relocs \ RelocTVector8 1 - this will update our entry
\ point descriptor. See comment below.
export_relocs $add: relocs \ Add the export relocs, if any
(* Note on how our initial entry point is worked out:
Our entry point descriptor (2 words) starts out as all zero, because we
initially erase the TOC area (which starts at data_start). The reloc
opcode RelocTVector8 above, adds the value "sectionC" to the first word,
and "sectionD" to the second, as described in the PEF spec. These
two values are initialized to the start of the code and data sections
respectively at load time, and since we don't alter them with any earlier
reloc ops, that's what they'll be when RelocTVector8 grabs them. Thus
our entry point descriptor will be updated to: ( <start of code>, <start of
data> ) which means that when we start up, rTOC will be set to the start
of the data area, and execution will begin at the start of the code
area. This is exactly what we want.
If we later decide to start at some offset into the code area, I presume
that at PEF time we'll need to put the offset in the word at location
[ data_start entry_point_TOC_offset + ]
and this should be appropriately updated by the RelocTVector8 op.
(* INIT_CODE_SECTION initializes the code section. code_start and code_size
are already set up. We just have to initialize the extra info block. We
can put whatever we need in this block. It's not part of the PEF spec -
we just use it to pass Mops info to the new app at startup time. This
block starts straight after the initial branch, at code_start + 4. Its
size is given by the constant info_block_size , so if we add extra fields,
remember to adjust the constant. It gets used by GO to allot the space at
the beginning of the code section before PPC compilation starts.
Here's the format of the info block - note that this MUST AGREE with
what setup expects!
ent pt offset length what it is
0 4 bytes initial branch
4 4 bytes code size
8 4 bytes data size
12 4 bytes displacement from code_start to nuc_code_start
(i.e. code generator code size)
16 4 bytes displacement from data_start to nuc_data_start
(i.e. code generator data size)
20 32 bytes initial CONTEXT
52 4 bytes flags
56 4 bytes #bytes chopped from bottom of seg 8
60 4 bytes #bytes chopped from bottom of seg 9
64 4 bytes total code size (including spare room)
68 4 bytes total data size (including spare room)
72 8 bytes spare
total: 80 bytes.
variable dummy_len
: FIX_THREAD { thread# \ thread_addr last_lfa link lfa -- }
thread# dummy_len c! \ fake a "length byte" for THREAD
dummy_len thread -> thread_addr \ addr of thread start in CONTEXT
thread_addr displace -> lfa \ addr of first link field in thread,
code_start 20 + thread# 4* +
displ! \ store in new CONTEXT
lfa -> last_lfa
last_lfa @ -> link \ save link to see if it changes
last_lfa displace -> lfa \ chain back
BEGIN \ loop over any links below chop_here
IF lfa chop_here u<
ELSE false \ end inner loop
lfa displace -> lfa
IF lfa last_lfa displ!
ELSE 0 last_lfa !
last_lfa @ link <>
link +L: $threads last_lfa +L: $threads
lfa dup -> last_lfa
new: $threads \ init string to save orig threads
#threads FOR i fix_thread NEXT
reset: $threads
BEGIN len: $threads
WHILE nxtL: $threads ( orig link ) nxtL: $threads ( where it went ) !
release: $threads
: set_seg_sizes { \ ^ST len -- }
0 -> seg_code_size 0 -> seg_data_size
max_segs 2
DO i 8 * segTable + -> ^ST
^ST c@ 1 and
IF \ we need to install this one
^ST @ $ 00ffffff and #align4 -> len
i 1 and
NIF \ it's code
len ++> seg_code_size
len ++> seg_data_size
: INIT_CODE_SECTION { \ flags sv_code_start sv_data_start -- }
0 -> flags code_start -> chop_here
1 -> flags
shared_lib? IF 2 or> flags THEN
code_start -> sv_code_start
nuc_code_start info_block_size -
dup -> code_start info_block_size erase
nuc_code_start -> chop_here
CDP nuc_code_start - 256 + -> main_code_size
code_start sv_code_start - code_start 56 + !
data_start -> sv_data_start
nuc_data_start TOC_size -
dup -> data_start TOC_size erase
DP nuc_data_start - 256 + -> main_data_size
data_start sv_data_start - code_start 60 + !
set_seg_sizes \ initialize seg_code_size and seg_data_size
\ now we must adjust the initial branch and put it at the start
\ of the (shortened) code section):
sv_code_start @ $ 03ffffff and
sv_code_start + code_start - $ 48000000 or
code_start !
main_code_size code_start 4 + ! \ code size
main_data_size code_start 8 + ! \ data size
main_code_size spare_code_size + code_start 64 + !
main_data_size spare_data_size + code_start 68 + !
nuc_code_start code_start -
code_start 12 + ! \ displ to nuc_code_start
nuc_data_start data_start -
code_start 16 + ! \ offset to last extern
flags code_start 52 + ! \ flags
add_context \ adds 32 bytes
; \ data_start and main_data_size are set up already
clear: export_hash_table
setup: export_hash_table
: SET_OFFSETS { \ relocsOffs stringsOffs hashSlotTblOffs -- }
0 -> container_offs
$ 80 -> ldr_offs
length: loader_header
#align4 length: import_files_subsection +
#align4 size: ldr_import_sym_tbl +
#align4 dup 12 + -> relocsOffs \ reloc header is always 12 bytes
size: relocs +
#align4 dup -> stringsOffs
size: loader_strings +
#align4 dup -> hashSlotTblOffs
hash_info_len +
-> ldr_size
relocsOffs stringsOffs hashSlotTblOffs
1 ( data section )
init: loader_header
ldr_offs ldr_size + #align16 -> code_offs
code_offs main_code_size + seg_code_size + #align16
-> data_offs
0 >kind: code_sect_hdr
1 >kind: data_sect_hdr
4 >kind: loader_sect_hdr
code_offs main_code_size seg_code_size + dup init: code_sect_hdr
data_offs main_data_size seg_data_size + dup init: data_sect_hdr
ldr_offs ldr_size dup init: loader_sect_hdr
syscall CreateResFile
\ note: syscall OpenResFile and syscall CloseResFile have already been done,
\ and because they have a different meaning in Mops, we've renamed
\ them to ZpenResFile and ZloseResFile.
: add_resources { RF_open? installing? \ refNo -- }
\ first we open the resource fork if it's not open already
getName: ffcb str255
CreateResFile resChk
buf255 ZpenResFile -> refNo resChk
\ now we add the 'cfrg' resource:
new: $cfrg
my_cfrg length: my_cfrg add: $cfrg
size: $cfrg getName: ffcb nip + $ 1D - \ len of info record section
+W: $cfrg
getName: ffcb dup +c: $cfrg add: $cfrg
$cfrg @ dstres ! \ both are subclassed from Handle!
'type cfrg 0 set: dstres
nullOSstr addRes: dstres resChk
NIF \ If installing, zInstlMod decides about these
'type WIND 256 copyRes \ otherwise we need fWind
'type BNDL 129 copyRes \ and the BNDL
133 128 DO \ and the FREFs, icl8's and ICN#s
'type FREF i copyRes \ (128 - 132)
'type icl8 i copyRes
'type ICN# i copyRes
'type ics8 128 copyRes \ and ics8 128
\ and also the new version resource which has a "type" that is the
\ same as the sig, and ID 0.
'type Mopp 0 set: dstRes
50 getstring \ our version string
refNo UseResFile \ need to restore dest res file
dup 1+ align new: dstRes
str255 ptr: dstRes over c@ 1+ cMove
nullOSstr addRes: dstRes
'type SIZE -1 copyRes \ copy SIZE -1
refNo ZloseResFile
\ note we mustn't release: $cfrg since the handle now belongs to the
\ Resource Manager!
: write_segs { 1st_seg# \ ^ST len cnt -- }
0 -> cnt
max_segs 1st_seg#
DO i 8 * segTable + -> ^ST
^ST c@ 1 and
IF \ we need to install this one
^ST @ $ 00ffffff and #align4 -> len
^ST 4+ @ len write_to_container
1 ++> cnt
: (wp) { RF_open? installing? \ svCL svDL -- }
\ This is the word that writes out the new PEF file.
\ fFcb must be already set up and open. If the resource
\ fork is open, we pass in true.
installing? -> instld? \ set global flag in new app
\ shared_lib? if true -> instld? then
code_limit -> svCL data_limit -> svDL
CDP -> code_limit DP -> data_limit
code_limit code_start - -> main_code_size \ will get changed if we're installing
data_limit data_start - -> main_data_size \ ditto
installing? IF load_mods THEN \ load mods needed in installed app
." code size (hex): " main_code_size seg_code_size + .h cr
." data size (hex): " main_data_size seg_data_size + .h cr
new: ldr_import_sym_tbl
new: relocs new: export_relocs
new: loader_strings
classinit: export_key_table
classinit: exported_symbol_table
init_code_section \ must come first as it resets code_start and data_start
\ if we're installing
installing? IF set_seg_sizes THEN
\ init_loader_section
setTimeStamp: PEF_header
\ write PEF header:
PEF_header write_obj
code_sect_hdr write_obj
data_sect_hdr write_obj
loader_sect_hdr write_obj
pad_bytes 4 write_to_container \ dummy global symbol table
\ loader section:
loader_header write_obj
import_files_subsection write_obj
all: ldr_import_sym_tbl write_to_container
all: relocs write_to_container 4 align_in_container
all: loader_strings write_to_container 4 align_in_container
write: export_hash_table
\ code section:
16 align_in_container
code_start main_code_size write_to_container
IF 2 write_segs THEN \ add module code segs
\ data section:
16 align_in_container
data_start TOC_size erase \ TOC area must be initially zero!
data_start main_data_size write_to_container
IF 3 write_segs THEN \ add module data segs
release: ldr_import_sym_tbl
release: relocs release: export_relocs
release: loader_strings
RF_open? installing? add_resources
RF_open? NIF close: ffcb drop THEN
\ RF_open? add_resources
svCL -> code_limit svDL -> data_limit
: CREATE_OUTPF? ( addr len true | false -- b )
clear: ffcb
IF name: ffcb
" new PEF file:" " PowerMops" stdPut: ffcb NIF false EXIT THEN
open: ffcb NIF close: ffcb drop delete: ffcb drop THEN
create: ffcb OK?
addr: ffcb 18 + @ \ Name pointer - get final app name out of ffcb
count 32 min myDocName place
IF 'type shlb 'type cfmg
ELSE 'type APPL 'type Mopp
THEN set: ffcb
$ 21 addr: ffcb $ 28 + c! \ Set Bundle bit
setFileInfo: ffcb OK?
true ;
: (write_pef) ( addr len true | false )
\ If the flag is true, we saved with the passed-in name.
\ Otherwise we put up a dialog for the output file.
create_outpf? 0EXIT
false false (wp)
: WRITE_PEF false (write_pef) ;
bl word count
2dup cr cr ." Saved : " type
true (write_pef)
\ shared library testing
true -> shared_lib?
bl word count
true create_outpf? 0EXIT
false true (wp)
:f I/O_err
." I/O err " . cr
close: ffcb drop
: test
16 0 DO
i select: export_key_table
len: export_key_table
IF dump: export_key_table THEN
16 0 DO
i select: exported_symbol_table
len: exported_symbol_table
IF dump: exported_symbol_table THEN
cr cr
all: $testxx dump